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Nothing would make me happier than to become a tailor after seeing tailors sitting crisscross on the floor running their sewing machines. It was just stunning; they adored themselves in white clothes, hair oily and shiny; it seemed a perfect lifestyle. The scenery took control of my imagination, and my desire to become like them evolved at that moment. The question was why become a tailor, not an engineer, nor a doctor, but a tailor. Even though I was a child, my desire to learn tailoring deepened.

It was my mother’s aunt who rented a room in her house facing towards the road to some local tailors. My mother visited her aunt; she took me with her. For my mother, it was just a visit, but she was unaware of the impact her visit would have on her child. I looked at the tailors from...


The smells have gone far beyond, the fragrance I enjoyed once is not but a tale,

A tale of reality, of melody, of change and to learn, to explore, and a saga that entails,

A reminder of a time when I passed by a group of women who were walking and rushing,

Their fragrance was like the one from heaven; if not, where did they get it? but because of hurry,

I had gone, but the thought of it stuck in my head, and why something like this, I could ignore,

The desire to smell it again deepened in my soul, wherever I was, on the land or on a shore,

The scent had filled the atmosphere on the left, on the right, and the back for many yards,

It was hard to know who exactly wore the perfume, but someone was dragging it to assume,

The rewards of...


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